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Bij een nieuwe storting van minimaal €20, kunnen spelers kiezen om 100 free spins te ontvangen op één van de volgende spellen: Starbust, Gonzo’s Quest Megaways, Fakir, Big Bass Bonanza, Gates of Olympus, Fruit Shop en Dynamite Riches.
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Met een degelijke Top 10 casino lijst kunnen we garanderen dat je alleen maar betrouwbare Nederlandse online casino’s op onze website terugvindt. Ons team is eraan toegewijd om elk casino in Nederland online uitgebreid te testen. Dit doen we door middel van een online casino review van elke site.
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In a year that’s already given us Fox’s The Following and A&E’s Bates Motel, some might argue that we don’t need another serial killer TV show. And they’d probably be right.But NBC’s Hannibal isn’t just another serial killer show. Spring Preview: Gets scoop on all the must-see new showsTaking characters from the Thomas Harris novels that inspired a film series that includes Manhunter, The Silence of the Lambs and Red Dragon, executive producer Bryan Fuller (Wonderfalls, Pushing Daisies) has created a sophisticated drama that doesn’t glorify the violence of mass murder but rather examines the toll that hunting serial killers takes on the minds and souls of those who hunt. In fact, even though the show is named after Dr. Hannibal Lecter, who was immortalized as one of the greatest pop culture villains of all time thanks to Anthony Hopkins’ Oscar-winning portrayal, the series — at least initially — isn’t entirely focused on the cannibal in the three-piece suit…
The James Bond film series is a British series of spy films based on the fictional character of MI6 agent James Bond, codename “007”. With all of the action, adventure, gadgetry & film scores that Bond is famous for.
To catch some Bond in action, those across the pond can watch Casino Royale for as little as $2.99 with Direct TV. Alternatively, Spectre is also available to rent at $3.99 from either Amazon Prime Video, Google Play or Apple TV.
“Relaunches the series by doing something I wouldn’t have thought possible: It turns Bond into a human being again — a gruffly charming yet volatile chap who may be the swank king stud of the Western world, but who still has room for rage, fear, vulnerability, love…”
From the jungles of Madagascar to the beaches of the Bahamas, Bond’s pursuit of Le Chiffre leads to a showdown in a high-stakes poker game at the luxurious Casino Royale in Montenegro, and to a jaw-dropping finale on the Grand Canal in Venice.